What is your Business Chemistry? Join Deloitte’s interactive session to find out!
Business Chemistry is a system expressly designed to provide insights about individuals and teams based on observable business traits and preferences. It draws upon the latest analytics technologies to reveal four scientifically based patterns of behavior. The resulting system is easy to remember, but with a sophisticated underpinning that highlights statistically relevant behavioral cues in a business environment.
Prior to the October 21st session, we will ask you to complete a 10 minute assessment that will ask you to determine how closely you are aligned to certain behaviors. Upon completion, you will receive a detailed report about your working style that we’ll refer to, and use, during the Business Chemistry session.
NCDA will grant 1.5 continuing education (CEU) contact hours for this program!
Cost: Free for MoCDA Members; Non-Members $15
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Contact us at info@mo-cda.org